Things to do before 20's
I know, how can there be a list of top 10 things to do before 20 when, according to statistics, 40% of us still can’t work a washing machine.
With each generation being exposed earlier and earlier to social media and the world we live in today, it's not a surprise that teens are turning into adrenaline junkies from a younger age.
However young 20 is, here is a list of the top 10 things to do before you turn 20.
1. Go on a road trip
Grab your things, a friend and your car keys and get going! Road trips are meant to be spontaneous and an adventure. Explore, go somewhere you've never been and embrace the adventure.
2. Get outside your comfort zone in a new culture
By doing this, you'll grow as a person. You'll make some incredible memories, plenty of conversation starters while more than likely taking some breath-taking photos as well. You'll gain valuable experience and confidence so that a daunting interview is a walk in the park.
3. Get a passport and take it somewhere!
Get your hands on your passport, it's a golden ticket to anywhere. You'll be as free as a bird, flying from Italy to Madagascar, the world is your oyster. Take a gap year or just a summer away, we are here to help you get organised and make the dream a reality.
Find out more about travelling the world
4. Learn a skill
You're never too old to learn a skill but you'll have more time when you're young to practice - pick something you've always wanted to learn - a language, cooking, a sport, an instrument...
5. Vote
To be able to vote is an important, grown-up role. You'll be changing the foreseeable future for your generation and generations to come. Your say is important, voice it!
6. Eat something you can't pronounce
May sound frightening but you could stumble across a new favourite! It will also show your maturity and open-mindedness towards people.
Who knows, in the future you may be in a new country, trying new food, with new people.
7. Get a job
There is nothing more satisfying than earning your own money. Having a job is not only important for your bank balance, but for your CV and work ethic also. Turning 20 with having only one job on your CV (which was helping dad over summer) isn't going to look great.
Even if it's internships or volunteering, get out there and learn about the world you're living in. Internships and volunteering can be done abroad, so not only will you be learning about life but you might also come back with a tan and some very 'instagramable' photos!
Find out more about internships and volunteering abroad
8. Go to a festival
You're young, more than likely not going to get another chance to do it again for a while, as 'adulting' always gets in the way!
9. Run a half marathon
If you need the motivation (we all do) then do it for charity. Raising money is so easy now with social media, that all you have to do is just put the work in. The feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming and one that you want to feel again. Particularly as you know that the hard work you are putting into running the race is helping so many others.
10. Do THAT thing...
Do that one thing that you've always dreamed of doing. Go get a piercing or go dye your hair that bright pink colour you love. Just DO it. Before you get 'too grown up' for it or there are restrictions at work. Let that free spirit in you run wild. You'll regret it if you don't.
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